MenopauseMenu is a community hub for all people to find physical and emotional support on the journey toward, into and beyond menopause.
This site offers science-based health information balanced with a holistic focus on personal well-being. All are invited to improve individual empowerment, reinforce sustainable life balance, and build nourishing paths to feeling healthy and well.
Access all 16 sections under the Information tab.
“The Menopause Menu” is an all-in-one giftbook, medical guide, and recipe book for navigating menopause!

Please visit myMDadvocate to discover a novel way to support your health, focus on wellness, manage illness, and get the guidance and advocacy you desire.
From the blog
When Pillars of Wellness Intersect!
We've all heard about the pillars of wellness: movement, nutrition, sleep, stress, social connection—there are many others. The following vignette is based on a recent experience from my neighborhood walks. Can you find how many pillars are in this story AND how many peri/menopause symptoms are impacted?
Featured video
Navigating Autoimmune Disease
The very nature of most autoimmune diseases is such that quick fixes don’t work or don’t exist. Join Dr. Susan Baumgaertel, Dr. Kara Wada and Dr. Beth Vukin as they peel back the complex layers of diagnosing autoimmune diseases from the perspectives of patient and physician.
Menu choice
Roasted Veggie Pasta
Roasting veggies is the trick to tasty and fast dishes! Not only do you get great flavors and textures, but you also can get your meal ready while they are roasting. It's the perfect way to use your kitchen time wisely.