How MenopauseMenu Came to Be
The inspiration for my MenopauseMenu website developed over a span of 24 years. I started my primary care private practice in internal medicine in July 1996. As my practice grew, it quickly became apparent that the majority of my patients were navigating their menopausal years.
My youngest patient was 15, my oldest 106. Most were in their 40s, drifting toward menopause; or in their 50s, smack in the middle of perimenopause; or experiencing postmenopause in their 60s and beyond. Despite age differences of sometimes several decades, there were so many common complaints and similarities between these women on their menopausal journeys.
Not a day went by when I wouldn’t hear about “six years of hell,” or “that was so easy, my girlfriends are ready to punch me.”
Some patients were struggling with brain fog, poor libido, and sleep deprivation. Others were lamenting the loss of their supple hair and skin. Yet others were annoyed by the unwanted bulge around their waists.
Dr. Google is not the answer!
Many patients came into my office and poured out their troubles related to their menopausal journey. They had already Googled their symptoms, had received advice from their friends, but just didn’t know what to do. They trusted me to help them and were eager for my advice.
I had many long discussions, most of them ending with “you are not alone,” or “you are not crazy,” and most patients asked me if I had a really good resource to offer, from which to learn more. It became clear that quite a few websites were either too clinical or pretty woo-woo, and my paper handouts were not that helpful either.
In online professional physician groups, I had seen a number of requests for down-to-earth menopause websites, but when I checked out the ones frequently mentioned, they just seemed to fall short of giving the right amount of detail to common questions and concerns.
The Connection to Menu for Change
Parallel to my interests in perimenopause, I had developed a wellness and weight management program in 2012 called Menu for Change, which flourished for seven years. As this program came to a close in the summer of 2019, I had an epiphany. There was so much overlap between helping my patients who were trying to lose weight and improve their health and those navigating the perimenopausal journey—so much so that the transition to MenopauseMenu seemed like it was meant to be.
I discussed my thoughts with 20 people who immediately were so supportive they were literally begging me to interview them. This led to more than 80 patients who queued up to provide their stories about perimenopause.
So, I launched a website!
When I launched MenopauseMenu, I wanted to offer a community hub for all people to find physical and emotional support on the journey toward, into, and beyond menopause. It was important that everyone felt welcome to improve individual empowerment, reinforce sustainable life balance, and build nourishing paths to feeling health and well. My goals included a website that:
- Was place for all to enjoy, particularly those gearing up for menopause, navigating perimenopause, and living in their postmenopausal years.
- Presented evidence-based medical information.
- Addressed concerns that went far beyond just hot flashes and night sweats.
- Welcomed holistic and integrative ideas.
- Made room for whimsical fun.
Why call it MenopauseMenu?
Menopause is obvious. Menu is a spin-off from the Menu for Change program and also refers to food—which is nourishing in so many ways. Menu also implies choices, which are often wonderful to have.
As your host, I am excited to present this robust menu, curated for you! I hope you gain wisdom that translates to nourishing support for menopause and beyond. Share this website with your family and friends, and visit frequently to read more, learn more, have fun, and be inspired.
Susan J. Baumgaertel, MD