The benefits of a daily walk go far beyond movement and calorie consumption!
Food For Thought
Start the new year off on the right foot! In this edition Dr. Baumgaertel reflects on diets (a four-lettered word) and focusing on nourishment while Dr. Vogler reminds us about mindfulness as it relates to metabolic and weight support.
Navigating Skin Changes
This month’s newsletter pays homage to the almighty wrinkle! Dr. Susan Vogler writes about wrinkles as a visible tribute to a lifetime filled with laughter, and Dr. Susan Baumgaertel reveals 10 tips for better skin at any age, especially in perimenopause.
Happy Thanksgiving!
A Thanksgiving message from MenopauseMenu.
We see what we want to see—may this story bring you hope and joy.
A Salute to Veterans Day
On November 11 we celebrate Veterans Day, honoring and thanking all who have served in the United States Armed Forces, during wartime and peacetime.
Do You Laugh at Your Mistakes?
What if you screw up? Making mistakes is part of life, right? Sometimes overthinking things can be quite limiting. If you try to plan for all the potential downsides of doing something, you may never do it at all.
Thriving As We Age: Breast Cancer Basics
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Drs. Vogler and Baumgaertel share timely information about breast cancer screening, detection and risk reduction in the latest edition of The 2 Susans newsletter.