The benefits of a daily walk go far beyond movement and calorie consumption!
Food For Thought
Start the new year off on the right foot! In this edition Dr. Baumgaertel reflects on diets (a four-lettered word) and focusing on nourishment while Dr. Vogler reminds us about mindfulness as it relates to metabolic and weight support.
Charcuterie Board, Part 2
The holidays can often lead to overindulging, so it’s a nice option to have a variety of fruits, nuts, cheeses, veggies and other small nibbles instead of yet another 5-course meal.
The Six: We Ain’t Cappin’
Periodically you’ll find a blog or video on MenopauseMenu that has nothing to do with menopause. BUT, it’s interesting, timely or just plain fun. This video is the later!
Charcuterie Board Remix
Just in time for the holidays, a charcuterie board is always a delicious treat for a gathering of any size.
Navigating Skin Changes
This month’s newsletter pays homage to the almighty wrinkle! Dr. Susan Vogler writes about wrinkles as a visible tribute to a lifetime filled with laughter, and Dr. Susan Baumgaertel reveals 10 tips for better skin at any age, especially in perimenopause.
Happy Thanksgiving!
A Thanksgiving message from MenopauseMenu.
Menopause! The Conference.
Join me for an informative virtual event March 28-30, 2025, hosted by Doctors on Social Media. There are 12 physician speakers covering many great topics ranging from weight management and sexual health to breast cancer, hormones and sleep.