Another great chat with Dr. Baumgaertel and Phillipa Butler of Precizion, Ltd., United Kingdom.
The Coffee Table Book!
The coffee table book (adult bedside table book) on my coffee table! Read the preface to “The Menopause Menu.”
Book Launch!
An all-in-one giftbook, medical guide, and recipe book for navigating menopause!
Fresh Tomato Salad
This is actually a sneak peek at one of 16 recipes in my book “The Menopause Menu.”
Bedside Manner Podcast
“Men and Menopause—Supporting Her Through Menopause and Beyond.”
Berry Quinoa Salad with Citrus Honey Dressing
This may seem like just a summer recipe but it can be made year-round with frozen berries, if needed. It makes a good breakfast too, and the colors are so refreshing!
Feeling Stuck?
How often do you reach a point where you are uncertain how to move forward? Learn about a few techniques that can help.
The Walk
Read and imagine for yourself what the sounds, sights, and tactile textures look, sound and feel like. Immerse yourself in this journey for the next 2 minutes.