Healthy pie? Yes! This one is easy to make, no-bake and perfect for a delicious warm weather treat.
The Pandemic: The Ultimate Catalyst for Shifting My Medical Career
Dr. Susan Baumgaertel shares a personal essay of her career shift in light of the COVID-19 pandemic – poignant, intimate, and from the heart.
Harmed by the Electronic Medical Record
A personal story about harmful aspects of the Electronic Medical Record.
Free Lecture Event!
Join Dr. Susan Baumgaertel for a free public lecture, Q&A style, presented by the Long Beach Public Library in New York.
Edamame Hummus
This simple hummus recipe is a great alternative to using chickpeas (garbanzo beans) and the color is lovely too!
How to Take Your Skincare to the Next Level in Menopause
Integrative Dermatologist and mind-body coach Keira Barr, MD shares some great tips on how to approach skin changes during and after menopause.
myMDadvocate Turns One!
On February 14, 2022 I launched a virtual medical consultation and patient advocacy business, myMDadvocate. One year later, I have a lot to celebrate!
Am I in Menopause?
Episode 6 of an 8 part series: Dr. Baumgaertel reviews definitions for different menopausal stages, clarifies how to understand the early signs of menopause, and gives some great tips on things to pay attention to.