A physical therapist’s advice to all – take care of your best friend!
A Personal Retrospective in Three Parts
By popular request, here are all three vignettes together in one post! These short vignettes are about Empathy, Joy and Humor – fitting for the changing of seasons and passing of time.
I Have Cancer, Now What?
Episode 5 of an 8 part series: Dr. Baumgaertel talks about identifying personal needs early, having a multidisciplinary team, and shares a poignant poem from a cancer survivor.
A Personal Retrospective in Three Parts. Part Three: Humor
This is the third a series of three short vignettes involving emotions and circumstance, fitting for the changing of seasons and passing of time.
A Personal Retrospective in Three Parts. Part Two: Joy
This is the second a series of three short vignettes involving emotions and circumstance, fitting for the changing of seasons and passing of time.
Berry Quinoa Salad with Citrus Honey Dressing
This may seem like just a summer recipe but it can be made year-round with frozen berries, if needed. It makes a good breakfast too, and the colors are so refreshing!
A Personal Retrospective in Three Parts. Part One: Empathy
This is a series of three short vignettes involving emotions and circumstance, fitting for the changing of seasons and passing of time.
What I’ve Learned from Running a Weight Management & Wellness Program for 7 Years
You can now watch my recent live-streamed lecture for FREE! Yay!! Hop on over to my SoMeDocs website lecture profile page, scroll down to the box to enter your name & email, and you’ll have free access. Yes, I summarized 7 years, and it was a lot of fun!