Have you noticed vision changes as you age? Rhetorical question! This month in The 2 Susans, we write about changing vision. You’ll get to read a story about my recent bout of anisocoria, and you’ll appreciate some helpful information about dry eyes. Go grab your readers and enjoy!
The One Minute Surprise Video
Trigger warning:
Yesterday I saw that a complete stranger had posted a video review of my book, The Menopause Menu, on Amazon. It turns out she is a Featured Creator and Amazon Live Reviewer.
Scallops on Beet Salad
This delicious and satisfying meal is the perfect summer dinner salad. This recipe combines the essence of a simple beet salad, adding freshly-sautéed Hokkaido scallops for the win!
Summer Salad Base, Part 2
On the heels of my recent post, Summer Salad Base, here’s a tasty version of beet salad.
Beyond Body Image
What do you think about Before & After pictures? This is an especially important question in challenging times—such as before, during and after menopause.
Summer Salad Base
This simple salad base makes a great dinner side, a stand-alone lunch, or even a creative breakfast.
Thriving As We Age—Stars & Stripes: Beyond Body Image
As we all gear-up for Independence Day celebrations in the US—and a fractured work week due to the Thursday holiday—please enjoy edition 4 of “The 2 Susans” newsletter. This time we reflect on honoring our individual body image as we age.
Pausing to Pivot
“The peri/menopausal journey is defined by many layers of changes and challenges. Navigating this journey can be difficult for most women. This often comes at a time when there are other competing major life events…”