We’ve all heard about the pillars of wellness: movement, nutrition, sleep, stress, social connection—there are many others. The following vignette is based on a recent experience from my neighborhood walks. Can you find how many pillars are in this story AND how many peri/menopause symptoms are impacted?
Category: Mental Health
Walking Women: An Interview
Does daily walking improve your health? Read a great interview with Dr. Susan Baumgaertel by Laura Boulay of One Million Women Walking, and see how the benefits of daily walking apply to menopause symptom management.
Flip the Script!
Tips for flipping the script on being too busy in our fast-paced, 24/7 world.
The Power of a Walk
The benefits of a daily walk go far beyond movement and calorie consumption!
We see what we want to see—may this story bring you hope and joy.
A Salute to Veterans Day
On November 11 we celebrate Veterans Day, honoring and thanking all who have served in the United States Armed Forces, during wartime and peacetime.
Autumn Splendor
Come along on a two minute walk in a Seattle neighborhood to enjoy the autumn leaves and de-stress.
Do You Laugh at Your Mistakes?
What if you screw up? Making mistakes is part of life, right? Sometimes overthinking things can be quite limiting. If you try to plan for all the potential downsides of doing something, you may never do it at all.