Okay, so you may not typically use the words kale and delight in the same sentence, but tonight’s dinner actually was like a treat!
Category: Recipes
Sometimes we can get so caught up in planning healthy nourishment for our physical bodies we forget about nourishing our souls.
Charcuterie Board Remix
Back by popular demand, this is always a delicious nibbling treat for any gathering. With infinite presentations, it’s always fun to try different items each time.
Cauliflower Salad with Raisins & Peanuts
A favorite from the 2018 Menu for Change potluck party recipe book. Quick, simple, healthy & delicious! Tastes even better the next day.
Salmon & Veggies Dinner
What makes this dish special is the Bruce Gore Wild Alaskan troll-caught Coho salmon fillet…oh, and lots of veggies!
Not Burger & Fries
Sometimes you just crave fast food. What’s great is when you find substitutes that are more in-line with your nutrition preferences of the moment.
Veggie Penne Pasta Dinner
Suffice it to say, this meal is simple to make and very satisfying – pretty much fulfills my main two criteria for posting for all of you to enjoy.
Another Fast Sheet Pan Dinner
This is a favorite because it is so EASY and so TASTY. As usual, cleanup is a breeze and tastes great for lunch the next day.