Are you struggling with brain fog? Maybe it is hard to focus, you are having difficulty finding the right words to express yourself, you are getting distracted or you find yourself forgetting to complete tasks. Cheryl Lamin, PhD outlines several great techniques to navigate this frequent menopausal concern.
Category: Stress & Life Changes
Opportunity Knocks
So many people have lost touch with the activities they once enjoyed. Instead, they gripe and grind at the gym or the club, waiting to be done and sit in the sauna or sip a latte. I think it is time to reconnect with our past and rediscover the fun parts of exercise.
Tips to Combat Insomnia and Hormonal Sleep Disruption
Dr. Milah Frownfelter reminds us that restorative, energizing sleep is a pillar of optimal health. With many effective resources available in the treatment of insomnia and its associated conditions, restful slumber need not be in the shadows.
Two Menopause Haiku for You!
Susan S. Scott, PhD – psychologist, counselor, photographer and writer of essays, photo-essays, poetry and haiku offers two new menopause haiku to end the year and begin the new.
A Midlife State of Mind
Beverly Joyce, MD writes about brain fog, anxiety, depression and life’s discontent in a nice summary about the menopausal state of mind.
Getting from the Couch to Consistency
Clay Fife: The goal is consistency. The way to get there is commitment and passion. And a powerful tool to turn that passion into results is a community to support and receive support from, as you walk your new path to health and vitality.
Stress and its Impact on Everything (Including Weight!)
Hypnotherapist Kate Wells writes about stress’s impact on health, weight and cortisol levels, with two bonus self-hypnosis and relaxing breath guides for you to try!
Four Tips to Focus on for Improved Sleep During Perimenopause
Kira Baum, ND EAMP highlights four different scenarios resulting in poor sleep around menopause and outlines some useful strategies for each.