We all face seemingly daunting tasks at one point or another, but not all challenges before us turn into Waterloos. Dr. Baumgaertel’s story is from an adventurous walk on an elevated forest walkway in British Columbia.
Category: Stress & Life Changes
Much Ado About Menopause
Dr. Baumgaertel gives a Q&A-style livestream video lecture on “all things menopause,” hosted by The Long Beach Public Library of New York.
The Pandemic: The Ultimate Catalyst for Shifting My Medical Career
Dr. Susan Baumgaertel shares a personal essay of her career shift in light of the COVID-19 pandemic – poignant, intimate, and from the heart.
myMDadvocate Turns One!
On February 14, 2022 I launched a virtual medical consultation and patient advocacy business, myMDadvocate. One year later, I have a lot to celebrate!
A Personal Retrospective in Three Parts
By popular request, here are all three vignettes together in one post! These short vignettes are about Empathy, Joy and Humor – fitting for the changing of seasons and passing of time.
A Personal Retrospective in Three Parts. Part Three: Humor
This is the third a series of three short vignettes involving emotions and circumstance, fitting for the changing of seasons and passing of time.
A Personal Retrospective in Three Parts. Part Two: Joy
This is the second a series of three short vignettes involving emotions and circumstance, fitting for the changing of seasons and passing of time.
A Personal Retrospective in Three Parts. Part One: Empathy
This is a series of three short vignettes involving emotions and circumstance, fitting for the changing of seasons and passing of time.