Periodically you’ll find a blog or video on MenopauseMenu that has nothing to do with menopause. BUT, it’s interesting, timely or just plain fun. This video is the later!
Category: Videos
Menopause! The Conference.
Join me for an informative virtual event March 28-30, 2025, hosted by Doctors on Social Media. There are 12 physician speakers covering many great topics ranging from weight management and sexual health to breast cancer, hormones and sleep.
Autumn Splendor
Come along on a two minute walk in a Seattle neighborhood to enjoy the autumn leaves and de-stress.
How to Effectively Work with Your Healthcare Team
Are you frustrated by the crazy medical arena these days? Do you struggle to get timely appointments, understand test results, or even access the electronic patient portal? This webinar recording is for you!
Bone Density As We Age
Have you had a bone fracture? Are you at increased risk for fracture? Do you want to learn more about osteoporosis diagnosis, prevention and treatment? Tune in to this podcast, “Bone Density As We Age.”
Reset/Recharge Podcast
Komal Patil-Sisodia, MD is a triple board-certified physician in endocrinology, obesity medicine and internal medicine, and the host of the Reset/Recharge podcast. Her new podcast explores the complexities of women’s general and metabolic health that manifest with aging.
The One Minute Surprise Video
Trigger warning:
Yesterday I saw that a complete stranger had posted a video review of my book, The Menopause Menu, on Amazon. It turns out she is a Featured Creator and Amazon Live Reviewer.
Pausing to Pivot
“The peri/menopausal journey is defined by many layers of changes and challenges. Navigating this journey can be difficult for most women. This often comes at a time when there are other competing major life events…”