A former patient of mine Eleanor Moseley Pollnow is a professional actor and writer, and she just released her first rap music video to celebrate turning 60!
Category: Videos
How to check your own blood pressure
If you want a simple process to learn how to correctly take your own blood pressure, check out my new YouTube “how to” video.
New on YouTube!
For those who have signed up to get notified of new posts from MenopauseMenu, I have promised to never “spam” you. So, I hope you don’t mind my exciting announcement that I have just launched a YouTube Channel!
Menopause: A Weighty Matter
Dr. Susan Baumgaertel was a guest on “Challenging Conversations” with Maureen Kures, RN, Colleen Hewes, and Kathleen Putnam, MS RDN on their Win Win Women live video broadcast, April 28, 2022.
Lecture #1: The Effect of Glycemic Index on Hormones and Weight
So fun to look back on our FIRST lecture in Menu for Change, almost 10 years ago! Although I’m certain Dr. Molly Carlson would give a much different talk today, there are plenty of concepts that still ring true. Join me in a walk down memory lane with this one!
Stepping Aside for a Moment to Help
Thank you for your support – it is so meaningful to me!
Lecture #39: Varicose Veins – Emerging Treatments
Dr. Jeffrey Bernstein was a fabulous vascular surgeon who sadly lost his battle with brain cancer in March of 2018. He gave this amazing talk just 6 months before diagnosis. Please watch and learn about varicose veins, one more time.
Lecture #68: Managing Priorities: Tools & Tips to Help You Overcome Overwhelm and Keep First Things First
Kathy Paauw, “Life Architect” from Paauwerfully Organized leads a great talk on how to focus on what you want – including getting organized, increasing productivity, enjoying greater fulfillment and balance.