Dr. Erin Moore: “Acne is one of the most common reasons for visiting a dermatologist. Every day I see several patients with acne, most of whom are adult women. It is a huge myth that only teenagers suffer from acne.”
Do you know these four professional sports stars? A personal story about trying new things, taught by three professional athletes in baseball, football and ultimate frisbee.
Stress and its Impact on Everything (Including Weight!)
Hypnotherapist Kate Wells writes about stress’s impact on health, weight and cortisol levels, with two bonus self-hypnosis and relaxing breath guides for you to try!
Why are Hot Flashes Hot…or Not?
Hot flashes 101: the basics, plus an overview of treatment options.
5 Factors of Menopausal Weight Gain That You Don’t Want to Miss
From Tracey Grant, RDN CWHC: Menopause comes with many changes, and much to our chagrin, weight gain is frequently one of them. But while it might seem mysterious, and can certainly be frustrating, it is not a helpless situation!
Breast Cancer Survivors: A Plan for Dealing with Vaginal Dryness
Mary J. “Muff” Heffernan, ARNP, AOCNP discusses that when a woman learns she has breast cancer, likely the last thing on her mind is her vagina! However, for women with estrogen/progesterone receptor-positive breast cancer, or for some women who require chemotherapy, having a plan for managing one’s vaginal health is essential.
Four Tips to Focus on for Improved Sleep During Perimenopause
Kira Baum, ND EAMP highlights four different scenarios resulting in poor sleep around menopause and outlines some useful strategies for each.
Menopause and Hair Loss…Is it Normal?
From Erin Moore, MD: “Diagnosing and treating hair loss can be very challenging. Often there are multiple factors, age and hormonal fluctuations being common.”