October is World Menopause Month, and this story contributes to the celebration of all who have gone through menopause.
Tag: Fatigue
Put This on Your Fridge!
One of the chapters in my upcoming book has a page just with phone numbers and web links. It is too good not to share now. So, here it is.
Breaking Ground
Whether it is starting a new habit, starting a new exercise routine, beginning a new job, or contemplating a career change, you just have to start somewhere.
5 Minutes of Movement
No time to exercise? Think of exercise more as body movement. Here is a sneak peek excerpt from my book “The Menopause Mosaic” (not yet published), from Chapter 11 on Fatigue.
Don’t Delay!
It likely comes as no surprise that many people have delayed getting primary and preventive care since before the pandemic started. Well, that’s now two years ago!
Lecture #68: Managing Priorities: Tools & Tips to Help You Overcome Overwhelm and Keep First Things First
Kathy Paauw, “Life Architect” from Paauwerfully Organized leads a great talk on how to focus on what you want – including getting organized, increasing productivity, enjoying greater fulfillment and balance.
What does learning to juggle have to do with learning to sleep better?
Sleep specialist Dr. Meredith Broderick shares some great tips on getting better sleep to feel more rested throughout your day.
Nature Therapy Break, Part 2
Whereas yesterday’s vignette revolved around a tiny spider and a gnat, today’s longer story includes lots of birds and a surprise football theme!