Psychiatrist and personal coach Dr. S. Kelly Gupta teaches you techniques on how to identify areas of your life that aren’t satisfying you, then set definable, achievable goals.
Tag: Mental health
Stress and its Impact on Everything (Including Weight!)
Hypnotherapist Kate Wells writes about stress’s impact on health, weight and cortisol levels, with two bonus self-hypnosis and relaxing breath guides for you to try!
Lecture #70: Nature Therapy
Kira Baum, ND EAMP: “Science is telling us that communing with nature in various ways is incredibly beneficial for us.”
Creating Your Own Daily Oasis
You will be amazed at how refreshing taking 10 minutes away from all of your daily duties can be!
Lecture #10: Breathing Your Way Into Health
Brad Lichtenstein, ND teaches about the power of the breath to restore health and balance.