Suffice it to say, this meal is simple to make and very satisfying – pretty much fulfills my main two criteria for posting for all of you to enjoy.
Tag: Recipes
Another Fast Sheet Pan Dinner
This is a favorite because it is so EASY and so TASTY. As usual, cleanup is a breeze and tastes great for lunch the next day.
Unconventional Snacking
Snacking, noshing, grazing –– whatever you like to call it –– should be tasty and pleasurable. Period.
Dinner is Served!
Back for one final encore is the best kale salad, this time with a twist! Teaming up with Chez Glenn for this tasty dinner, I made the salad and he did the rest.
Not Green Eggs: Greens & Eggs
A great way to get some veggies with your breakfast –– although, this could sub-in for dinner too.
Pan-seared Sockeye Salmon & Kale Salad
Remember the Shredded Kale Salad with Tomatoes, Olives & Feta? Well, it pairs perfectly with pan-seared sockeye salmon!
Roasted Tomatoes
If you are like many urban gardeners you never know what to do with all those tomatoes! A quick and tasty way to use up a full day’s bounty is to roast them.
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
While there is nothing really special about a grilled cheese sandwich, sometimes it just Hits. The. Spot.