I had the pleasure of recently connecting with Diana Londoño, MD on her webinar, Voices in Medicine. She is a busy urologist in California and also runs a free online support program, Physician Coach Support. We talked about multidimensional careers.
Tag: Stress & life changes
I Love Learning Podcast
When does an international award-winning thought leader near Charleston, South Carolina get to interview an internal medicine physician in Seattle, Washington? Just one week ago, that’s when—and, let me tell you, we had a great conversation!
Thriving As We Age: Ease of Mind
Since May is Mental Health Awareness Month, we are focusing on aging and mental health. Dr. Vogler presents 5 Top Tips to maintain your mental health, and Dr. Baumgaertel focuses on breathing, with a special nod to Mother’s Day.
The 2 Susans—A New Newsletter!
Are you aging with grace or with grimaces? I’ll bet it’s a combination of both! Cheers to a new project called The 2 Susans…
A Renaissance Medicine Woman & Entrepreneurial Physician Advocate
“What originally started out as a book interview turned out to be a far more interesting and wide-reaching discussion on so many things that are important to many of our physician colleagues in today’s challenging healthcare systems.”
A Few Thoughts on Aging…
Let’s face it…we are all getting older. Menopause sometimes emphasizes that point, whether we like it or not. Le Sigh!
How Gratitude Can Improve Your (Dental) Health
Expressing gratitude doesn’t take much time. It is uplifting to all. There are always opportunities in every day to consider doing something nice for someone else.
Message in the Middle: Navigating Menopause
Does your doctor listen to you? Do they have time? Do you feel comfortable asking about personal issues, such as menopausal symptoms? This recent podcast is for you!