“We all face seemingly daunting tasks at one point or another, but not all challenges before us turn into Waterloos.” Dr. Baumgaertel’s story is from an adventurous walk on an elevated forest walkway in British Columbia.
Tag: Weight gain
Lecture #53: The Science Behind Your Sweet Tooth
Kira Baum, ND EAMP speaks about our proverbial “sweet tooth” and where it originates, how to retrain our brains, and how to reduce the “hold” that sugar often has on our nutritional choices.
Your lack of motivation is NOT the problem and “laziness” isn’t real!
Movement Coach Rebecca Francis writes about a kinder approach to movement and exercise, paying special attention to redefining motivation.
Opportunity Knocks
So many people have lost touch with the activities they once enjoyed. Instead, they gripe and grind at the gym or the club, waiting to be done and sit in the sauna or sip a latte. I think it is time to reconnect with our past and rediscover the fun parts of exercise.
Lecture #56: Life Athlete – Wisdom to Pursue Improved Physical Vitality
What’s your “why” for exercise? Former Olympian and NCAA track & field athlete Peter Shmock shares his philosophy on the importance of both rest and work, why consistency over time is what counts for reaching your potential for strength and vitality, and why how you feel should dictate what you do for exercise.
Getting from the Couch to Consistency
Clay Fife: The goal is consistency. The way to get there is commitment and passion. And a powerful tool to turn that passion into results is a community to support and receive support from, as you walk your new path to health and vitality.
Lecture #25: Meal Planning for Success (aka Meal Planning 101)
Team-taught by a Nutritionist and a Naturopath, learn why meal planning is a habit worth cultivating if you have weight and health goals you are trying to reach.
Stress and its Impact on Everything (Including Weight!)
Hypnotherapist Kate Wells writes about stress’s impact on health, weight and cortisol levels, with two bonus self-hypnosis and relaxing breath guides for you to try!