Just at a time when our collective wisdom is ever so powerful, individual body image can often lag. Changing skin, hair, weight and appearance raises the hurdle.
Spin this journey! Menopause can provide opportunities to redefine body image, reclaim strength, cast aside societal norms, and live with gusto!
Notable Quotes
I lift weights and in the last two years I can’t seem to get the muffin top around my middle to go away. It is super annoying and it bothers me each and every day when I get dressed.
The most challenging part of going through menopause is all the changes to my body. It is not just one thing. There seem to be so many things that have changed or are changing.
This old lady body is making me so depressed.
More Information
Blog posts tagged as body image:- When Pillars of Wellness Intersect!
- Food For Thought
- Beyond Body Image
- Thriving As We Age—Stars & Stripes: Beyond Body Image
- A Few Thoughts on Aging…
- Your Best Friend
- Advocating Against Ageism
- The Gift
- A Medieval Menopause Story!
- Wabi-sabi (侘寂)
- Maskne: The New Acne!
- 5 Factors of Menopausal Weight Gain That You Don’t Want to Miss
- Menopause! The Conference.
- Stand Up (for) Doctors!
- Managing Menopause
- What I’ve Learned from Running a Weight Management & Wellness Program for 7 Years
- Menopause: Feeling like a Broken Record?
- From Shakespeare to…Rap?
- Menopause: A Weighty Matter
- Lecture #39: Varicose Veins – Emerging Treatments
- Lecture #15: Dress for your Shape Event (complete with runway!)
- Lecture #3: Hypnosis for Weight Management Support
- Weight Management & Menopause: The Bigger Picture
- Lecture #44: Turning Back the Clock: Options for Facial Aging
- Lecture #67: The Compassionate Cleanse
- Lecture #19: Reflections in the Mirror: the Surprising Role of Body Image and Healthy Weight Management
- Lecture #14: I Lost the Weight, Now What Can I Do About All of This Extra Skin?
Additional Video Links
Video Link: 5 Ways to Deal With Weight Comments is a 15 minute video by psychologist Glenn Mackintosh you’ll likely watch more than once!
- Our MenopauseMenu Pinterest website can be a great place to start with several boards dedicated to body image.
- Body Kindness by Rebecca Scritchfield, RDN is a good book to ponder over.
Wild Card